وسائل إعلام تحدثت عن أعمالي

Media talking about my work



l’expres.fr one of the big French news sites was talking about online videos criticising president Bouteflika in time of the presidential allocations in Algeria and my video of ” Hitler preparing for the elections in Algeria” was one of the best according to the news site.


Algérie: le best-of des vidéos anti-Bouteflika

un internaute s’est amusé à comparer la nouvelle candidature du président algérien à la défaite de Berlin pendant la seconde guerre mondiale. Ce dernier reprend les images du film allemand “La Chute” de Olivier Hirschbiegel, déjà plusieurs fois parodié, et compare la dernière bataille électotale de Bouteflika aux derniers jours d’Hitler avant sa mort. Dans cette fameuse scène du bunker, Hitler fulmine et s’écrie: “la totalité de mes généraux n’est qu’un ramassis de lâches, de traîtres, de moins que rien indignes de ma confiance”. Tout un symbole


BBC Arabic did a news report about the famous van damme Epic split video an advert for Volvo trucks, and talked about the parodies made by young people around the Arab world and my “Bouteflika VS Van damme” was one of them


شباب عرب يقلدون إعلانا لفان دام للتعبير عن همومهم

جذبت دعاية لشركة سيارات والتي يظهر فيها الممثل جون كلود فان دام العديد من المشاهدين عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بلغت نحو ستة ملايين مشاهدة. ولكن شبابا في الشرق الأوسط استخدموا فكرة الإعلان في صنع فيديوهات ساخرة كل حسب همومه.


Algerie Focus a French speaking news site in Algeria wrote about my video “God of Algeria


Vidéo- “God Of Algeria” : un film exceptionnellement hilarant sur la théorie du complot du régime algérien

Le génie algérien a encore frappé sur le web. Un YouTubeur algérien, Kamel3d, a réalisé un petit film, un brillant montage vidéo, pour illustrer la propagande politique du régime algérien et sa éternelle théorie du complot.


The big blogging platform Global Voice talked about a hashtag against fraud in Algeria and mentioned one of my cartoons that addresses the dictatorship and corruption in Algeria


#DZ2014, a Hashtag against Fraud and Dictatorship in Algeria

But Facebook and Twitter are more than just news sources. Mobilization can be as successful when achieved through humor and satire. For instance, Radio Trottoirpage became really popular in that respect for its photo-montage, jibes, and mocking videos. This photo designed by Kamel Labiad, an “Algerian graphic designer and film maker living in the UK” went viral on Facebook is an example of Algerians’ dark humor


Free Arabs a multi language blogging site had an interview with me, after the success my video “Bouteflika VS Van damme made



Bouteflika Challenges Van Damme was produced by London-based Algerian graphic designer Kamel Labiad. With more than 37,000 views in 48 hours, the video is quite the Youtube hit. The overwhelming majority of comments is supportive, and for a reason: Algerians seem fully aware of the treachery about to be orchestrated in their country


Le Mag a Moroccan news portal talked about my video “Bouteflika VS Van damme


Kamel Labiad : “Pour que l’Algérie recule, votez Bouteflika”

Le graphiste et designer algérien vivant en Angleterre, Kamel Labiad, a produit un ‘clip électoral’ pour le président algérien Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Un remake sarcastique d’une publicité de Volvo avec Jean Claude Van Damme. Un humour trahissant un désarroi, de voir se promettre à la présidence, un homme affaibli dans son corps, mais indémontable dans sa soif du pouvoir.


A young Algerian blogger in London DZ Chick, wrote about the map I made ” The world map according to Algerians” and described it as the Algerian imago mundi


The Algerian Imago Mundi

I’ve been staring at this map for a while now, trying to make sense of it. As much as some parts of it are sarcastic, predicable, funny even, it remains extremely ignorant.

First thing that should jumps to you head, is to enquire: WHO the hell do you think you are? Then comes a series of other thoughts, sighs, some infuriating, others just humorous and endearing, but mostly I’ll have to stick with shock horror.

* To its left you’ll see the Red Morocco (I assume because of the Red Moroccan flag but who knows) but I will have to contact the author Kamel Labiad. Our reference is “We close borders on them, because they always beat us”, yes Algerian-Moroccan borders have been like revolving doors, closing and opening due to may political and sometimes outrageously silly reasons I cant quote any. Don’t ask me. As for the “they always beats us” that’s just defeatism my dear Kamel, it’s so middle class


Radio trottoir one of the biggest Facebook pages in Ageria tweeted my video ” la takon chiyatan” and also posted it on their page



Almagaribia TV in London, used my video “Bouteflika VS Van damme” in one of their famous comedy programs ” wach galo fi jornan” or WGFJ


